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Jumat, 30 April 2010


No body doubts, just like a language, movements of ourbody communicate a message(s). Like Amecican people who cross their forefinger and middle finger to keep truth away while speaking; or movements of their head, either shaking or even nodding to show approval or disagreement over conditions they are having. Such these movements of our body are well known as body language.
Similar to other parts of body, eyes, beyond their function to see, deliver any information over their stare. The information is sometimes transferred through movement of eye-sheaths, eyelashes, eye-brows and the movement of black-part of the eyeballs as well. Therefore, it seems easy to see any kind affection one is feeling in like angry, pleasant or others just from the eyes.
Amazingly, information or messages our eyes attempting to send often relate to particular underhanded things we are trying to keep. This tiny secret from hidden functions of our eyes now reveals after years since scientist have found correlations among parts of brain to our parts of body like hands, fingers, legs including our eyes. In this short article, you are to be alert on how one’s honesty can be retrieved from the eyes’ movements.
No parts of our body unless their movements are entirely controlled by the brain. Even, the reflective movements we are never being alert or occasionally late by their actions are signed by it.
Scientists discover that our brain consists of two parts. The two parts of the brain are called as left brain, referring to the left hemisphere of the brain, and the other, right brain, representing the right hemisphere of the brain. The separation of these two parts of the brain is due to different functions each hemisphere plays. Left hemisphere, according to Ostrander and Schroeder (1994) determines one to think logically, such as in reasoning, using language and doing math problem. Furthermore , Torrance (1980) notes that left-brain-dominance is knowledgeable, planned and structured, make objective judgment as well as prefers to establish certain information. Still with Ostrander and Schroeder (1994), right brain, on the other side, leads one to empower his imagery worlds, emotions, creativity and synthesizing thought as well. People with right-brain-dominance, Torrance (1980) adds, follow their intuition more rather than thought. They seem to be subjective in making judgment and prefer drawing and manipulating objects.
Regarding roles of the brain to our body’s movement, brain plays cross-controlling action. Cross-controlling action means that the left part of the brain is to monitor entire actions of the right parts of the body while the other one, the right part of the brain is assigned in controlling the movements of the other left parts. In other words, all movements done by the right parts of the body such as right hand, fight leg, or even right eye are completely authorized by the left part of the brain. On the other side, the actions of left parts of our body such as left hand, left leg either the left eye are totally under the right-part’s order.
Like being noted earlier, while sending information through their stare, our eyes often include particular information supposed to be a secret. In other terms, we can say that to know whether or not a person is not telling atruth could be known from the eyes. How do the eyes do such a nasty action? The answer is lying on the eye’s ,movement as small part of the body language.

While we are conversing and want to know if the one whom we are talking to is hiding a truth, just pay attention to the eye’s movement, specifically to the movement of the black part of the eyeballs. Carefully, catch direction of the eye’s movements of out partner, where are the eyes moving to at the moment we throw a question to him.

Remember that eyes’ movements are reflective that no one could control them by which we may say that no one will be able to manipulate moving direction of the eyes. When the black-part othe the eyeballs are moving to the left-top direction, it means that the one whom we are conversing to is using the left part of the brain referring to scientific, real, and memory. Here we could assume he is telling a truth. In a contrary, the eyes’ movement to the right-top direction means he is using the right part of the brain showing intuitive, feeling, imaginative and abstract. It can be assumed that he si telling a lie due to using right part of the brain (that is assigned to manipulating object or information).
Such this assumption also occurs on the misaligned-eye-person whose both left and right black-part of the eyeballs are likely placed inappropriately and do not move to the same direction. However, from the two misaligned eyes, there must be one considered to be normal. The normal one will be object of our attention while the process of identifying.
However, eyes’ movement regognizing whether or not a person is not revealing a truth could not always be put as a basis of reason. It si of factors identifying a moment if one is keeping a real fact away.

1 komentar:

  1. Eyes is one of the body language which is really have many meanings inside it. From eyes, we can know whether people is sad or happy...

    And eye too is a one of treasures from girl :)

    Thanks for visiting me


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